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Firefly, feels at many parts of the show, like a compelling character piece. Of course, one with space cowboys. Sigh, why did this show end? So why not sort the members of Serenity?
Hogwarts has divided its houses, much like zodiac signs, based on four elements - Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Or, if you want to look at it another way, four ancient humors. Percy Jackson has some interesting archetypal traits associated with each Greek God. What Hogwarts houses and what Greek cabin at CHB, would the members of Serenity belong to?

Inara –

Inara is brave, as she has shown on multiple occasions, and highly intelligent too, and it would be tempting to place her in Gryffindor for her courage. Even perhaps, Ravenclaw for her need to understand Mal and the others or her value system. However, her bravery comes out through her cunning, as we see in the Train Job when she resorts to deception to get Mal and Zoe out of a sticky situation. The same comes up in Jayenstown too. Mal constantly insists that she uses her “womanly wiles” – meaning charm. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind though, but knows how to lie. Which, as her job as a companion, she must. Inara’s intelligence, too, while well -versed on many erudite subjects seems to be more of a resourceful kind. Or, at least she uses them resourcefully; to gain trust, to open doors, to show her status. She isn’t a rule breaker – she likes order, she likes status, she likes wealth. Girl’s got ambition, too; she would have been high priestess in Madrasa, if she hadn’t suddenly left her life behind. Wit, creativity and intelligence pulls her towards Ravenclaw, but because she has the shrewdness to judge people as a Companion, wins her battles through charm and cunning, and seemed destined for greatness, we should place her in SLYTHERIN

Her Cabin is a no brainer. We should see her in Cabin 10, Aphrodite’s Cabin. Her godly parent would be the Greek Goddess of love, sensuality and beauty. Inara is a singularly beautiful woman, who is well -versed in love. She takes care of herself, and enjoys the girly things in life. She is also a Companion, which is a futuristic polite term for prostitute, and Aphrodite was the patron of prostitutes. Her room is rich, sensuous and looks somewhat like a womb. Her Greek Godly parent would be APHRODITE.

Kaylee Frye

Kaylee is a genius, and again, there is a temptation to place her in Ravenclaw due to her natural gift with machines. However, her knowledge seems to come from her heart, from emotional connections that she makes with these machines. She herself is the beating heart of the show. She is optimistic to a fault and helpful to her teammates. She doesn’t have the Ravenclaw arrogance in her abilities; when Saffron rips her engine apart, it’s Mal who has to remind her that she’s the best mechanic flying. She is compassionate to Simon and River who have lost everything, as well as Saffron when she first meets her. She is sincere in all her emotions – love to Simon, love to her Serenity, friendship with Inara. She is so sincere that she instantly snaps to defend insults against Serenity. She is “true” and patient, too, not giving up on her slow burning relationship. She is hardworking along with her kindness, toiling into the night to keep Serenity flying, which leads to her meeting Early. She is utterly loyal to all her teammates, even when it means she has to act against someone like Jubal Early. She is a HUFFLEPUFF

Kaylee is another easy sort. Her instinct with machinery is almost supernatural. Her love for tinkering, and building, her willingness to get her hands dirty, as well as her knowledge of machines is something Hephaestus would appreciate. She is clearly a daughter of the God of the Forge, HEPHAESTUS

Zoe Washburne

Zoe is a remarkable female character with her bluntness, and her courage. She walks into danger time and again, without batting an eyelid. She knows how to handle herself in any situation. She is a “warrior woman”, according to her husband. Could you imagine Mal – or anyone – dueling on her behalf? I can’ t. One could argue her most dominant trait, one that she gets into trouble with her husband for, is loyalty. She is utterly loyal to Mal, her previous commanding officer and now trusted ally. Her husband points this out, saying she “obeys” Mal, and he is jealous of the fact that she would clearly follow him to the moon and back. She is the one on the crew who is dependable, approachable even; Mal is hard to know. She may have this trait in full, but three houses are known for this quality. With her pistol – like antics and zero time for fools, she shoots first and asks questions later. She may seem in some ways to be a badass Hufflepuff, but her other traits balance out this argument. Despite being on the fence about this one, she is a badass GRYFFINDOR.

Zoe, with her warlike demeanor and her militaristic attitude, still clings to the war, which was when her life had meaning. She still acts like her life is the same as it was in the war, being Mal’s second in command, and calling him “sir”. She stops mid – battle to inform a foot soldier of the “first rule of battle”. That is reminiscent of the war strategy that Athena loves. However, she is not a knowledge seeker, nor does she have the faintest appreciation for the arts. She thirsts to change society, to prove herself and her courage. She fights for a higher purpose, and often would like to resort to other means. Usually, around her, battles are won. She would find her brethren-in-arms in Cabin 5, the children of ARES


Wash is harder to peg than most, being somewhat of a wildcard. However, he clearly is marked by his loyalty to Zoe. He is her husband first and a crew – mate second, as when Zoe was shot and he stood up to Mal. He, aside from when his wife is in danger, is laidback and easygoing. He uses humor to deflect tension and is one of the more patient members of the crew. He is not the warlike type, preferring to work away from the front lines. He does have a strong sense of justice, which sometimes comes into conflict with Mal’s. Wash doesn’t seem to care much for the life of crime. He does not engage in fighting or the actual stealing, much like the mechanic Kaylee; he, instead, stays as the pilot. He does everything he does, including helping Mal with a crime job, because of his loyalty towards his wife, Zoe. He looks like a HUFFLEPUFF to me.

Wash is a pilot, which makes me think of Zeus, God of the sky, and Apollo who owns the smoothest ride in all of the PJO. Wash’s easy going nature and laid back attitude towards crime, as well as the fact that his area of expertise is transport, points towards a different God. While so many of the other characters are polarized, Wash does seem more like a Jack – of – all – trades. He is clearly a member of Cabin 11, HERMES.

Jayne Cobb

Jayne is the one we all love to hate, and I can’t believe people type him as Slytherin. He is disloyal to everyone but himself, but Slytherin is a house known for loyalty towards their own. Self – preservation, perhaps, but it is greed that motivates Jayne, not self – preservation. He is blunt about his intentions towards the brother and sister fugitives, not cunning; he possesses no shrewdness about people nor ambition of any kind. He simply wants money and women, as Mal is quick to notice and question. Jayne does not care about the doctor and River, even as they become part of his crew. This does not seem Slytherin to me. His dealings on Ariel seem to be brash and not thought out, Slytherins are known for thinking before acting. He likes the people on the crew and bonds with them, such as when he is afraid they will find out that he sold them out on Ariel, and asks Mal to not sell him out as a final wish. He is brash in all his dealings, chases after the heat of the battle and shows daring and nerve more than any other trait. He does want women, and not in a chivalrous way, but he shows more traits of this house than any other. Sorry, GRYFFINDOR.

Jayne is a thoughtless killing machine. He is led by his anger and his greed. He enjoys bloodlust and violence, actually sleeping next to his guns, and definitely an ally you want on your side in a fight. He is a bit of a bully, too, towards Simon and River; he sees nothing wrong with hitting a sixteen year old troubled girl and acts on every impulse. He is clearly a member of Cabin 5, and would find his brethren among the children of ARES

Shepherd Book

Book is driven by his faith, but also shows specialized knowledge relating to the most quaint of things. He knows about ships, about the dangers that they face such as from the scavengers who hired Saffron, the Reavers, and is the one who uses an encyclopedia to prove that the Captain is indeed married in “Mrs. Reynolds”. He feels nothing about this, merely states facts and later warns Mal about the moralistic aspect of having a young bride. He seems to be driven by a noble cause, and certainly favors justice over revenge. We see this in the pilot episode, where he refuses to let anyone kill the Alliance spy, despite his treachery. He willingly shares his produce with the crew, and truly believes in his faith. He wants to help the others, especially Mal, believe. On would think this would point to Hufflepuff, but the reveal in “Objects in Space” prove that this is not moralistic or driven by his goodness. He does not care if anyone is innocent or not. He has no moralistic approach to his faith, which leaves us without both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Due to his keen mind and wide knowledge which often save the crew from dangers, as well as his wisdom, he seems to not be a Hufflepuff, but a RAVENCLAW.

Book is the least seen character, one who never gets his story told, but instead, is pushed to the sidelines or assists others on their stories. However, he is intelligent, believes in his faith, is just and hides a dark past. He has strength that the others don’t know and seems somewhat of a dark horse. With the little information I have; his sense of justice and his hidden darkness, I would think his godly father is HADES.

River Tam

River is an easier person to sort than the others. Before her time on Serenity, she was “a gift”, her genius was so extreme. Nothing, from particle physics to dance, was difficult for her. She wanted to learn so badly, that she went to the most challenging school in the galaxy, which turned out to be a terrifying lab. Her genius makes her a psychic, too. She was and still is on the quest for knowledge, for everything to make sense. She was destroyed by a devastating piece of knowledge herself. She has the pride or arrogance of Ravenclaw, too, when insisting that Book’s Bible “made no sense” and that she was “fixing it”. She views the world with curiosity, but it is both a scientific one, and views people with a detached one. She does not look for attachments to people, or, at least, they do not drive her decisions or motives. She considers and makes deductions. She shows wit and even when she fights, it is artistic and creative, not martial and violent. She is clearly a RAVENCLAW.

River, again, was an easy one to sort. With her genius intellect and her effortless athleticism, she seems a no brainer. She has a natural gift with weapons, as we see in “War Story”, where she does the math and takes down three men without looking. Her mental illness reminded one of Dionysus, but she is a thinker before anything else. She can tell what people are thinking, which sometimes Annabeth seems like she can do, according to Percy’s narrative. She even enjoys the arts as she loves to dance, and is clearly a daughter of ATHENA. In PJO, she would also probably be a Hunter of Artemis.

Simon Tam

Simon is often, I would argue, mistyped as a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. I would argue he is, hands down, an archetypal Slytherin. He doesn’t like to break rules, as he does thirst to make a name for himself as a doctor. When does not agree with the rules, he loses no sleep over it. He shows surprising cunning when he plots the most successful venture on Ariel. He has also shown cunning in evading the government, breaking into a lab and saving River. He cares about his own and no one else – “It’s okay to leave them all to die.” A more Slytherin sentence has never been said. He cares about the crew and would never betray them, but his sister takes priority. She is the one to whom he is utterly loyal. He is highly intelligent, and was a top trauma surgeon on Osiris, but remembers the lifestyle more than the life. He mentions making obscene amounts of monies and does not contradict the comment regarding “nurses fawning over him”. He is a traditionalist, as he points out, when mentioning he should grow a mustache since he has begun a life of crime. Tradition is associated with this emerald house. He is big on cost – benefit analysis, which we see in the first episode, when he bargains with Kaylee’s life. Simon despite being intelligent describes himself as an idiot child, something a Ravenclaw would never do. A Slytherin is all too apt to insecurity and believing in one’s own worthlessnes. He is a SLYTHERIN

Simon is another easy type. A doctor by profession, who has a bond with his sister, this points immediately to one Greek God who ruled medicine and had a badass sister, far more capable sister of his own. He may not possess the attention seeking antics or perhaps the singing talent, but Simon is a member of number 7, the Cabin of APOLLO.

Mal Reynolds.

The most important for last. Mal is loyal, utterly loyal to his crew. River and Simon are a part of his crew, so no matter what, he is going to defend them, hide them and cover for them. Simon, a Slytherin, has no such loyalty. He rushes into the heat of the battle, guns blazing, heart on his sleeve. He may often be seen as a Puff because of the war, where he fought for the independence of people. They betrayed him and broke his faith, by surrendering. Which house is most likely to never surrender, to fight even when the war is over? However, this is a cause he believed in, much like Harry believed in Dumbledore’s cause, so firmly that when Inara tries to argue with him, he does not listen. Daring and nerve are what he has in spades. He also is driven by his anger; perhaps rendered impotent, but he is angry. Harry, too, has bottled anger from years of mistreatment. The last straw for me seems to be his actions in “Shindig”. He shows the chivalrous trait that Gryffindors are known for, and defends Inara’s honor, refusing to back down even when it means his life. This is stubborn Gryffindor pride. He is a GRYFFINDOR.

Mal is a pretty easy type; he is a “petty” thief who wins usually on quick tricks and deception. He uses trickery, not force or smarts, to get out of his situations. He has a quick wit and is great at sizing people up. He makes a decent job of anything that he tries his hand at, but isn’t specialized in one thing, like many of his crew mates. He is light humored, especially in the darkest of moments, such as when he’s being tortured (“War Story”) and lives on a mode of transport, the ship Serenity, which he has a close relation with. He deals with merchants, thieves and the rich alike. He works primarily for money, but always seems to have enough to get by. He is clearly a member of Cabin 11, HERMES.